T. Richardson,P.S. Corasaniti, “A non-parametric approach to the relation between the halo mass function and internal dark matter structure of haloes“, A&A, 674, A173, 2023
L. Blot, P.S. Corasaniti, F. Schmidt, “Non-linear Eulerian Hydrodynamics of Dark Energy: Riemann problem and Finite Volume Schemes“, JCAP, 05, 001, 2023
T. Castro et al., “Euclid preparation. XXIV. Calibration of the halo mass function in Λ(ν)CDM cosmologies“, A&A, 671, 100, 2023
J.S.W. Lewis et al., “The short ionizing photon mean free path at z = 6 in Cosmic Dawn III, a new fully coupled radiation-hydrodynamical simulation of the Epoch of Reionization“, MNRAS 516, 3389, 2022
P.S. Corasaniti, A.M.C. Le Brun, T. Richardson, Y. Rasera, S. Ettori, M. Arnaud, G.W. Pratt, “Forecasting cosmological parameter constraints using multiple sparsity measurements as tracers of the mass profiles of dark matter haloes“, MNRAS 516, 437, 2022
T. Richardson, P.S. Corasaniti, “Timing the last major merger of galaxy clusters with large halo sparsity“, MNRAS 513, 4951, 2022
T. Richardson, J. Stücker, R.E. Angulo, O. Hahn, “Non-halo structures and their effects on gravitational lensing“, MNRAS 511, 6019, 2022
Y. Rasera et al., “The RayGalGroupSims cosmological simulation suite for the study of relativistic effects: an application to lensing-matter clustering statistics“, A&A, 661, A90, 2022
J.P. Willis et al., “Understanding X-ray and optical selection of galaxy clusters: A comparison of the XXL and CAMIRA cluster catalogues obtained in the common XXL-HSC SSP area“, MNRAS 503, 5624, 2021
E. Eckert, M. Gaspari, F. Gastaldello, A.M.C. Le Brun, “Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Groups“, Universe 7, 142, 2021
CHEX-MATE Collaboration: M. Arnaud et al., “The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation. I. Programme overview“, A&A 650, A104, 2021
P.S. Corasaniti, M. Sereno, S. Ettori, “Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Sparsity, Cluster Gas Mass Fraction and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Data“, ApJ 911, 82, 2021
G. Parimbelli, S. Anselmi, M. Viel, C. Carbone, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, P.S. Corasaniti, Y. Rasera, R. Sheth, G.D. Starkman and I. Zehavi, “The effects of massive neutrinos on the linear point of the correlation function“, JCAP 01, 009, 2021
L. Blot, P.S. Corasaniti, Y. Rasera, S. Agarwal, “Cosmological Model Parameter Dependence of the Matter Power Spectrum Covariance from the DEUS-PUR Cosmo Simulations“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 500, 2532, 2021
S. Saga, A. Taruya, M.-A. Breton, Y. Rasera, “Modelling the asymmetry of the halo cross-correlation function with relativistic effects at quasi-linear scales“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 498, 981, 2020
P.S. Corasaniti, C. Giocoli, M. Baldi, “Dark Matter Halo Sparsity of Modified Gravity Scenarios“, Phys. Rev. D 102, 043501, 2020
M. O’Dwyer, S. Anselmi, G.D. Starkman, P.S. Corasaniti, R.K. Sheth, I. Zehavi, “Linear point and sound horizon as purely geometric standard rulers“, Phys. Rev. D 101, 023512, 2020
H. Sugiura, T. Nishimichi, Y. Rasera, A. Taruya, “Phase-space structure of cold dark matter haloes inside splashback: multistream flows and self-similar solution“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 493, 2765, 2020
J. Adamek, Y. Rasera, P.S. Corasaniti, J.-M. Alimi, “Ray tracing the ISW effect through the light cones of the DEUS-FUR simulations“, Phys. Rev. D 101, 023512, 2020
A. Taruya, S. Saga, M.-A. Breton, Y. Rasera, T. Fujita, “Wide-angle redshift-space distortions at quasi-linear scales: cross-correlation functions from Zeldovich approximation“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 491, 4162, 2020
I. Achitouv, “New constraints on the linear growth rate using cosmic voids in the SDSS DR12 datasets“, Phys. Rev. D 100, 123513, 2019
P.S. Corasaniti, Y. Rasera, “Average Dark Matter Halo Sparsity Relations as Consistency Check of Mass Estimates in Galaxy Cluster Samples“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 487, 4382, 2019
R. Augustin et al., “Emission from the circumgalactic medium: from cosmological zoom-in simulations to multiwavelength observables“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 489, 2417, 2019
S. Anselmi, P.S. Corasaniti, A.G. Sanchez, G.D. Starkman, R.K. Sheth, I. Zehavi, “Cosmic distance inference from purely geometric BAO methods: Linear Point standard ruler and Correlation Function Model Fitting“, Phys. Rev. D 99, 123515, 2019
M.-A. Breton, Y. Rasera, A. Taruya, O. Lacombe, S. Saga, “Imprints of relativistic effects on the asymmetry of the halo cross-correlation function: from linear to non-linear scales“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 483, 2671, 2019
C. Blake, I. Achitouv, A. Burden, Y. Rasera, “The environmental dependence of the baryon acoustic peak in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey CMASS sample“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 482, 578, 2019
I. Carucci, P.-S. Corasaniti, “Cosmic reionization history and dark matter scenarios“, Phys. Rev. D 99, 023518, 2019
I. Achitouv, Y.-C. Cai, “Modeling the environmental dependence of the growth rate of cosmic structure“, Phys. Rev. D 98, 103502, 2018
S. Anselmi, P.-S. Corasaniti, G. Starkman, R.K. Sheth, I. Zehavi, “The Linear Point Standard Ruler for galaxy survey data: validation with mock catalogues“, Phys. Rev. D 98, 023527, 2018
P.S. Corasaniti, S. Ettori, Y. Rasera, M. Sereno, S. Amodeo, M.-A. Breton, V. Ghirardini, D. Eckert, “Probing Cosmology with Dark Matter Halo Sparsity Using X-ray Cluster Mass Measurements“, Astrophys. J. 862, 40, 2018
C. Ma, P.S. Corasaniti, “Statistical Test of Distance-Duality Relation with Type Ia Supernovae and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations“, Astrophys. J. 861, 124, 2018
M. Chira, M. Plionis, P.S. Corasaniti, “Environmental Dependence of the Abundance Function of Light-Cone Simulation Dark Matter Halos“, Astron. & Astrophys. 616, 137, 2018
S. Anselmi, G. Starkman, P.S. Corasaniti, R.K. Sheth, I. Zehavi, “The Linear Point: A cleaner cosmological standard ruler“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 021302, 2018
J.-M. Alimi, P. de Fromont, “Probability distribution and statistical properties of spherically compensated cosmic regions in ΛCDM cosmology“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 475, 1912, 2018
P. de Fromont, J.-M. Alimi, “Reconstructing matter profiles of spherically compensated cosmic regions in LCDM cosmology“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 473, 5177, 2018
I. Carucci, P.S. Corasaniti, M. Viel, “Imprints of non-standard Dark Energy and Dark Matter Models on the 21cm Intensity Map Power Spectrum“, JCAP 12, 018, 2017
A. Helou, I. Musco, J. C. Miller, “Causal nature and dynamics of trapping horizons in black hole collapse“, Class. Quant. Grav. 34, 135012, 2017
S. Anselmi, S. Kumar, D.L. Nacir, G.D. Starkmann, “Failures of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies in extended quasidilaton massive gravity“, Phys. Rev. D 96, 084001, 2017
I. Hashimoto, Y. Rasera, A. Taruya, “Precision cosmology with redshift-space bispectrum: A perturbation theory based model at one-loop order“, Phys. Rev. D 96, 043526, 2017
P.S. Corasaniti, S. Agarwal, D.J.E. Marsh, S. Das, “Constraints on dark matter scenarios from measurements of the galaxy luminosity function at high redshifts“, Phys. Rev. D 95, 083512, 2017
L. Amendola, E. Menegoni, C. Di Porto, M. Corsi, E. Branchini, “Constraints on a scale-dependent bias from galaxy clustering “, Phys. Rev. D 95, 023505, 2017
V. Faraoni, G.F.R. Ellis, J.T. Firouzjaee, A. Helou, I. Musco, “Foliation dependence of black hole apparent horizons in spherical symmetry “, Phys. Rev. D 95, 024008, 2017
C. Ma, P.S. Corasaniti, B. Bassett, “Application of Bayesian graphs to SN Ia data analysis and compression“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 463, 1651, 2016
L. Casarini, S.A. Bonometto, E. Tessarotto, P.S. Corasaniti, “Extending the Coyote emulator to dark energy models with standard w0-wa parametrisation of the equation of state“, JCAP 1608, 008, 2016
J. Adamek, D. Daverio, R. Durrer, M. Kunz, “gevolution: a cosmological N-body code based on General Relativity“, JCAP 1607, 007, 2016
M. Pierre et al., “The XXL Survey: Scientific motivations – XMM-Newton observing plan – Follow-up observations and simulation programme“, Astron. & Astrophys. 592, 16, 2016
L. Blot, P.S. Corasaniti, L. Amendola, T.D. Kitching, “Non-Linear Matter Power Spectrum Covariance Matrix Errors and Cosmological Parameter Uncertainties“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 458, 4462, 2016
S. Agarwal, P.S. Corasaniti, Y. Rasera, S. Das, “Small scale clustering of late forming dark matter“, Phys. Rev. D 92, 063502, 2015
S. Agarwal, P.S. Corasaniti, “Structural properties of artificial halos in non-standard dark matter simulations“, Phys. Rev. D 91, 123509, 2015
V. Bouillot, J.-M. Alimi, P.S. Corasaniti, Y. Rasera, “Probing dark energy models with extreme pairwise velocities of galaxy clusters from the DEUS-FUR simulations“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 450, 145, 2015
L. Blot, P.S. Corasaniti, J.-M. Alimi, Y. Rasera, V. Reverdy, “Matter Power Spectrum Covariance Matrix from the DEUS-PUR ΛCDM simulations: Mass Resolution and non-Gaussian Errors“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 446, 1756, 2015
I. Achitouv, C. Wagner, J. Weller, Y. Rasera, “Computation of the halo mass function using physical collapse parameters: application to non-standard cosmologies“, JCAP 10, 077, 2014
J.-M. Alimi, A. Golubtsova, V. Reverdy, “Elliptic solutions of generalized Brans-Dicke gravity with a non-universal coupling“, Eur. Phys. J. C 74, 3125, 2014
D. Munshi, P.S. Corasaniti, P. Coles, A. Heavens, S. Pandolfi, “Reionization & CMB non-Gaussianity“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 442, 3427, 2014
Y. Rasera, P.S. Corasaniti, J.-M. Alimi, V. Bouillot, V. Reverdy, I. Balmes, “Cosmic variance limited Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the DEUS-FUR ΛCDM simulation“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 440, 1420, 2014
S. Agarwal, F.B. Abdalla, H. Feldman, O. Lahav, S.A. Thomas, “PkANN – II. A non-linear matter power spectrum interpolator developed using artificial neural networks“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 439, 2102, 2014
F. Roy, V. Bouillot, Y. Rasera, “pFoF: a highly scalable halo-finder for large cosmological data sets“, Astron. & Astrophys. 564, A13, 2014
I. Balmes, Y. Rasera, P.S. Corasaniti, J.-M. Alimi, “Imprints of Dark Energy on Cosmic Structure Formation: III) Sparsity of Dark Matter Halos“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 437, 2328, 2014
I. Achitouv, Y. Rasera, R.K. Sheth, P.S. Corasaniti, “Testing the self-consistency of the excursion set approach to predicting the dark matter halo mass function“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 231303, 2013
A. Knebe et al.,”Structure finding in cosmological simulations: the state of affairs“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 435, 1618, 2013
I. Balmes, P.S. Corasaniti, “Bayesian approach to gravitational lens model selection: constraining H0 with a selected sample of strong lenses“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 431, 1528, 2013
I. Achitouv, P.S. Corasaniti, “Primordial bispectrum and trispectrum contributions to the non-Gaussian excursion set halo mass function with diffusive drifting barrier“, Phys. Rev. D 86, 083011, 2012
I. Achitouv, P.S. Corasaniti, “Non-Gaussian Halo Mass Function and Non-Spherical Halo Collapse: Theory vs. Simulations“, JCAP, 02, 002, 2012. Erratum, JCAP 07, E01 2012
S. Frank, Y. Rasera, D. Vibert, B. Milliard, A. Popping, J. Blaizot, S. Courty, J.-M. Deharveng, C. Péroux, R. Teyssier, C.D. Martin, “Observable signatures of the low-z circumgalactic and intergalactic media: ultraviolet line emission in simulations“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 420, 1731, 2012
A. Knebe et al., “Haloes gone MAD: The Halo-Finder Comparison Project“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 415, 2293, 2011
P.S. Corasaniti, I. Achitouv,”Excursion set halo mass function and bias in a stochastic barrier model of ellipsoidal collapse“, Phys. Rev. D 84, 023009, 2011
P.S. Corasaniti, I. Achitouv, “Toward a Universal Formulation of the Halo Mass Function“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 241302, 2011
M. Pierre, F. Pacaud, J.B. Juin, J.B. Melin, P. Valageas, N. Clerc, P.S. Corasaniti, “Precision cosmology with a wide area XMM cluster survey“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 414, 1732, 2011
J. Courtin, Y. Rasera, J.-M. Alimi, P.S. Corasaniti, V. Boucher, A. Füzfa, “Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – II. Non-universality of the halo mass function“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 410, 1911, 2011
J. Devriendt, C. Rimes, C. Pichon, R. Teyssier, D. Le Borgne, D. Aubert, E. Audit, S. Colombi, S. Courty, Y. Dubois, S. Prunet, Y. Rasera, A. Slyz, D. Tweed, “The dusty, albeit ultraviolet bright, infancy of galaxies“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 403, L84, 2010
J.-M. Alimi, A. Fuzfa, V. Boucher, Y. Rasera, J. Courtin, P.S. Corasaniti, “Imprints of Dark Energy on Cosmic Structure Formation: I) Realistic Quintessence Models“, Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 401, 775, 2010