Parameters LCDM (link to ascii file)
h = 0.72000000
Ωm = 0.257330000
Ωb = 0.043557099
Ωr = 0.000080763
Ωk = 0
ΩDE = 0.742589237
w = -1.0000000
ns = 0.96300000
σ8 = 0.80100775
CAMB-code LCDM parameter file [format: explicit ASCII file]
Parameters wCDM (link to ascii file)
h = 0.72000000
Ωm = 0.275077160
Ωb = 0.043557099
Ωr = 0.000080763
Ωk = 0
ΩDE = 0.724842077
w = -1.2000000
ns = 0.96300000
σ8 = 0.85205174
CAMB-code wCDM parameter file [format: explicit ASCII file]
Mpgrafic Cosmological tables [format: ASCII]
a, d ln a /dτsupercomoving/(H0/100), D+, d ln D+/ d ln a, D+(2), d ln D+(2) /d ln a with τsupercomoving is the integral of dt/a2, D+ the linear growth rate (not normalised to 1 at z = 0), D+(2) the second order growth factor, and d ln D+(2) /d ln a its logarithmic derivative with respect to ln a.
RAMSES Cosmological tables [format: ASCII]
a, H/H0,τsupercomoving· H0,tlookback·H0, tproper·H0 with a = 1 at z = 0 (today), t and τ = 0 at z = 0, a is the expansion factor, H the Hubble constant defined as hexp=1/a da/dτsupercomovin,τsupercomoving the supercomoving conformal time (integral of dt/a2), tlookback is the look-back time, tproper is integral of dt/a and so the comoving distance is given by -(c/H0) · (tproper·H0).
Linear matter power spectrum at z=0 [ format: k (h/Mpc) P (Mpc/h)3 ]
Linear Matter Power Spectrum LCDM
Linear Matter Power Spectrum wCDM