Parallel Universe Run Spectra
Database of matter power spectra of the Dark Energy Universe Simulation-Parallel Universe Run simulations.
Parallel Universe Run Cosmo Spectra
Database of matter power spectra of the Dark Energy Universe Simulation-Parallel Universe Run Cosmo simulations.
RayGalGroupSims Relativistic Halo Catalogs and Light-Cone Data
Relativistic Halo Catalogs on the perturbed Light-Cone (i.e. in redshift space) from the RayGalGroupSims suite (“Raytracing Galaxy Group Simulations”) or in short RayGal and other light-cone data (Healpix maps, halo properties, particles, gravity cells, etc. )
RayGalGroupSims Snapshot Data
Snapshot data (i.e. at a given time) from RayGal (power spectra, density maps, halo properties, particles, etc.)